PlayStation Vita 2000
Source: Engadet
To augment the new Vita’s built-in storage, Sony’s cut the prices of its own memory cards too. From 4GB to 32GB, they’ve been reduced to between 1,554 yen (about $15) and 6,804 yen (just over $68). There’s a new 64GB Vita card too, priced at 10,479 yen (roughly $105).
As for that original OLED model PS Vita, it’s getting a new ‘Play!’ Game Pack, which comes with pre-installed games and a memory card packed in — as well as 90 days of PS Plus, gratis. There’s no launch date as yet for this bundle, but it’s priced for Japan at 24,129 yen (about $241). The company says that it’ll ultimately discontinue the OLED WiFi model, but that the 3G/WiFi OLED version will continue to be available and will find its way into similar discount bundles in the future — make of that what you will. Sony’s press conference continues, but we’re hoping to get to test the device later on. Wish us luck.